Valentina Laganà


Jewellery made in unique Mediterranean-inspired pieces

Valentina Laganà 1 Credit Nicola Murrito
Valentina Laganà 2 Credit Nicola Murrito



Sicilian by origin, Turinese by adoption, Valentina Laganà is a jewellery artist. In her atelier she forges and designs unique and contemporary jewellery and design objects, the expression of constant research and the result of skilful craftsmanship.

Valentina's creations reflect her personal journey, each piece is a page of a diary. She expresses through form and material, the images, colours and light of her Mediterranean origins, filtered through careful analysis of the most current trends.

Turismo Torino e Provincia s.c.r.l. | Torino Contact Centre +39.011.535181 - E-mail:
P.Iva/ Cod.Fis: 07401840017 - REA di Torino: 890093 - Capitale sociale di € 835.000

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